Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sunday Music Recommendation: Porn Sword Tobacco

Sunday is a lazy day for me. In order to gift wrap my laziness, I listen to appropriate music. Something that I keep finding myself coming back to is Porn Sword Tobacco.

Porn Sword Tobacco is a guy from Gothenburg named Henrik Jonsson. His music sounds like music from lost 1970s movie soundtracks, or a lost memory, or something cliché like that. His sound isn't simply melodies played on synthesizers - he really makes things interesting with the noise that he places through each track. Whether he uses the sound of a record that has finished, tape hiss, or the motor from some unknown machine, each sound complements the sound of nostalgia bursting through a broken radio in slow motion.

Some links to preview his tracks:

U.S. Saloon Props
En Hyllning Till Cyckeln

1 comment:

  1. Not bad it was nice and relaxing to listen to. I hope you and Capree are doing good.
